DMV Spotlight on 11.3.2019 on Casey Cares Foundation

DMV Spotlight on ESPN 630 on 11.3.2019 shines a light on Casey Cares Foundation which offers tangible and continuous support and programs to families with critically ill children. Guest Casey Baynes, the Founder and Executive Director at Casey Cares Foundation shared her passion for providing programs throughout the year including: Family Festivities, Birthday Blast, Celebration Vacation, Caring Connections, Kami’s Jammie’s, and Hammy’s Heart. The last two programs named for children who lost their battle to disease. Kami’s Jammie’s is an effort to collect new pj’s for children in the hospital so they can get a break from hospital gowns. Hammy’s Heart works to collect gift cards to provide meals for families overwhelmed by medical bills. Casey Cares also has a host of fundraisers including their annual Gala on Saturday March 28, 2020 at the American Visionary Art Museum up in Baltimore.​

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