DMV Spotlight on 9.1.2019 on Coach Bob Milloy: inductee to the Montgomery County Sports Hall of Fame


​DMV Spotlight on ESPN 630, The Sports Capitol, shines a light this week on the Inaugural Class of Inductees into the Montgomery County Sports Hall of Game. Guest  Bob Milloy, Maryland’s all time winningest high school football coach is one of the inductees at the September 13, 2019  ceremony at the Silver Spring Civic Center. The free event begins at 6pm. Coach Milloy shared his thoughts on being an inductee along with former Redskins cornerback Sean Springs, who was coached by Milloy. Springs has asked Milloy to introduce him at the ceremony. Also. being inducted: Olympic gold medalists: swimmer Katie Ledecky and former gymnast Dominique Dawes as well as US National soccer team great Bruce Murray and Washington Senator great and baseball Hall of Fame pitcher  Walter Johnson who will be inducted  posthumously.



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